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Save Your Smile With Oral Surgery in Salisbury

Maintaining good oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups is essential, but sometimes these practices alone aren’t enough to preserve your dental health. In such cases, oral surgery in Salisbury might be the most effective solution to protect your smile.

Our dedicated team at Blue Shore Dental is committed to providing dental surgery using cutting-edge technology and advanced procedures. We specialize in computer-assisted oral surgery. This offers numerous benefits:

  • Lessening dental discomfort
  • Addressing existing oral health issues
  • Preventing future dental complications
  • Preparing your mouth for dental implant procedures

To explore your options and determine if an oral surgery procedure is right for you, we invite you to schedule a consultation. Call us at 443-205-6400 to schedule your appointment and take the first step toward a healthier smile.

Let Us Meet Your Dental Surgery Needs

Our practice provides several types of surgeries designed to address specific issues and preserve your dental health. Plus, oral sedation is available to help you relax. Our surgery procedures include:

  • Tooth Removal – In some instances, extracting a tooth is necessary to eliminate pain or prevent further oral health issues. This may involve removing problematic wisdom teeth or extracting severely damaged teeth.
  • Bone Grafting – Gum disease or tooth loss can lead to jawbone loss, which may complicate dental implant placement. Your dentist can strengthen your jawbone with a grafting procedure, stimulating new bone growth and creating a solid foundation for implants.
  • Dental Implant Placement – Rather than referring you to a specialist, your dentist can perform your entire implant procedure in-house, saving you time and money. Dr. Moses is a Fellow in the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.
  • Crown Lengthening – We can gently remove excess gum tissue to make short teeth appear longer and more attractive or prepare them for other treatments such as veneers or crowns.

Call Blue Shore Dental today at 443-205-6400 if you think you might need oral surgery in Salisbury. You can also request an appointment online.